Reminder: Meade HS enrollment is Monday, Aug 10th from 9-3 and Tuesday, Aug 11th from 12-7pm. Masks will be required for all who enter.
over 4 years ago, Brandon Haynes
KSHSAA Physicals for Meade are this Friday, Aug. 7th at the MHS Gym & Locker Rooms. Because of unforeseen circumstances there will only be one male provider and a nurse to complete physicals. Please make sure to: *Enter south side of MHS Gym *Last names A-M come from 8-12 *Last names N-Z come from 1-4` *Fill out physical forms in advance (available at offices) *Have payment of $25 in cash or check made out to the Meade Rural Health Clinic * Please wear masks when entering the building
over 4 years ago, Kenneth Harshberger
Football camps for JH and HS football players will be Monday-Friday next week from 7 - 9pm at the HS practice field. Athletes must bring their own water bottle.
over 4 years ago, Meade USD 226
Physicals for Rec. and 7th - 12th grades will be at the HS gym on August 7th. Last Name A-M 8am-12 - M-Z 1 -4pm. Physical forms must be complete upon arrival and mask are required for everyone. Attached is the KSHAA physical link for Rec-JH-HS athletes. Forms will also be available at GS during enrollment. chrome- extension://oemmndcbldboiebfnladdacbdfmadadm/
over 4 years ago, Meade USD 226
Reminder: Due to 8th grade promotion, Evening weights for the week of 7.27.20 will be Tues, Wed, Thur. @7pm. HS girls may lift after BB camp.
over 4 years ago, Brandon Haynes
Attached is the link for the 2020-21 MES/MJH School Supply List. We are excited to share another great year with our students!
over 4 years ago, Stacy Cordes
school supplies
Meade High School Graduation will be live streamed via the USD 226 Facebook page. It will begin 5 minutes prior to the ceremony which kicks off at 3pm this Sunday, July 26th.
over 4 years ago, Brandon Haynes
Next week will be the last week for the Meade School summer lunch and breakfast program. The last day of service will be Friday, July 31st. Thanks goes to all who participated and helped out the last 5 months.
over 4 years ago, Meade USD 226
Yesterday the State Board of Education did not approve delaying the start of school. As a result, last night the Meade Board of Education approved starting school with students on August 20th. This is two days later than the original start date which allows staff more time to prepare. PS-K will not begin until August 24th. Enrollment information will be out next week. The district is committed to providing three learning models for students: 1) Face to face learning; 2) Remote learning if a student has to remain at home for a short time; and 3) An online program for those who choose to be solely at home.
over 4 years ago, Meade USD 226
back to school
Senior Graduation (July 26th - 3:00 pm) and 8th Grade Promotion (July 27th - 7:00 pm) are still planned at the MHS Gym. However, due to a recent increase in COVID-19 cases, local health officials recommended additional precautions be considered. As a result the Meade Board has added the following guidelines: 1) All participants will be required to wear masks or a face covering; 2) Those attending are limited to immediate families; 3) Individuals who have been in a hot spot or state that KDHE says requires a 14 day quarantine are requested to not attend. Thank you for helping to make this a successful and safe time for our graduates!
over 4 years ago, Meade USD 226
This is just a friendly reminder to our parents and community. The school gyms and the weight rooms are not open to the public at this time. They are only open to student groups that have planned activities organized by coaches. These scheduled events help the district maintain sanitary precautions to keep everyone as safe as possible. Thank you for your help.
over 4 years ago, Meade USD 226
We are excited to celebrate our 2020 MHS Seniors and 8th grade students! Please read the attached guidelines and procedures that will be in effect for both ceremonies. We appreciate your cooperation in making each event safe and enjoyable.
over 4 years ago, Stacy Cordes
graduation guidelines
Reminder for ALL 7th and 8th grade boys AND girls interested in basketball. There will be a team camp for you to attend, if you like, from 10:30am-12:00pm July 20th-23rd at the high school gym. Please bring a water bottle and basketball shoes. Coach Daugherty will have the doors open around 10:15am each day. See you there!
over 4 years ago, Stacy Cordes
ATTENTION all MHS girls interested in playing volleyball: Coach Krier would like to have a Zoom meeting tomorrow, Thursday, July 16th at 11:45am. Please email her at for the Zoom login information.
over 4 years ago, Stacy Cordes
purple volleyball
ATTENTION all 7th and 8th grade boys interested in basketball: There will be a team camp July 20th-23rd from 10:30am-12:00pm at the high school gym. Please bring a water bottle and basketball shoes. Coach Daugherty will have the doors open around 10:15am each. See you there!
over 4 years ago, Stacy Cordes
Meade HS Tennis camp this week! 7-9:30 PM for High School students interested in playing this year. Camp will run Monday-Friday at the courts North of the High School.
over 4 years ago, Brandon Haynes
This crew right here! They moved ‘mountains’ this morning and brought us one step closer to completion of the bleacher project. Thanks MHS Football players and Coaches Powell and Luetters!
over 4 years ago, Brandon Haynes
Friday, August 7th has been set for Meade 7th-12th students to take physicals at the MHS Gym/Locker Rooms. Rec. physicals for students in 3rd-6th grade playing football will also be available that day. Jr. & Sr. High sports' practices begin August 17th and students are not allowed to participate without a signed KSHSAA physical on file. Cost of each physical is $25. Students with a last name starting with A-M are to come from 8 AM to 12:30 PM. Students with a last name starting with N-Z are to come from 1-4 PM. Meade Medical Clinic staff will be completing the physicals.
over 4 years ago, Meade USD 226
Wanted: Meade USD 226 - Full Time Head of Maintenance; Benefits include: paid vacation, sick leave up to 60 days, discretionary leave, paid holidays, insurance package, and KPERS retirement. Applications available at the Meade USD #226 District Office or at All applicants subject to background check. Equal Opportunity Employer. For information call or 873-2081
over 4 years ago, Meade USD 226
Head Maintenance
"Return to Learn "- Parent Survey. All Meade USD 226 parents are asked to complete the following survey to help provide the school with information as the district makes plans to reopen school in August. Please complete the survey by Wednesday, July 8th. Thank You!
over 4 years ago, Meade USD 226
back to school