USD 226 Breakfast & Lunch Menu for April 13 - 17. Enjoy a great week and stay safe.
On Thursday, April 9 breakfast & lunch will be sent home for Good Friday. Breakfast for the Monday after Easter will be sent home as well. As a result, there will be no meal pickup this Friday. Meals will be served as normal on April 13. HAPPY EASTER! Kenneth Harshberger, Supt.
GREAT NEWS for Families! Meade's waiver was approved by the state allowing meals to be picked up without children present. Forms will be handed out during meal pick up. These need to be signed & returned ASAP to qualify. You may email June Glasgow at for one.
Dr Seuss greeted us this morning at the front doors of the elementary school. Thank-you Miss & Mrs. Marceau for sharing your time and talents!!
Good Friday and the Monday after Easter, listed on the Meade USD 226 calendar, will be observed as Easter Break. If possible, enjoy your stay at home time with family during the break. Kenneth Harshberger, Supt.
USD 226 Breakfast & Lunch Menu for April 06 - 10.
Enjoy a great week and stay safe.
The food bags normally disbursed at school are located at the community food bank (old Lone Tree Lodge/west building behind the health department).
You can snag food bags this coming THURSDAY, APRIL 9th from 11:30-12:30 and also during normal food bank operating hours (2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 2-4pm & the 3rd Tuesday from 5-7pm).
Monday, April 6th our staff will participate in CHALK the WALK. Make plans to take a family outing to enjoy fresh air and all the positive vibes we are sending our students, families, and community. Please remember to follow ALL social distancing guidelines. Stay safe & healthy!
NEED MORE INTERNET ACCESS? Meade USD 226 has a solution - outdoor wireless access points. One is installed by the MHS Shop parking lot and the other by the MES 5th/6th grade parking lot. Cars can park, log on to "guest parking," and get a good signal. Kenneth Harshberger, Supt.
High school girls eating lunch at school and practicing social distancing appropriately. Everyone stay safe.
USD 226 Daily Menu
April 01 - 03
*Please remember these are subject to change.
More of our Buffalo Fans supporting our school! Thanks to so many who came out to line the streets and support our staff and students.
This picture says it all. Thank you
Meade USD 226 Staff circle the town to say hello to the families and students we are missing. Our continuous education plan starts next Monday March 30th. Thanks to all those who showed up and wished us well.
Parents & Students: Please go to the link provided to review guidelines for the Meade USD 226 Continuous Learning Plan for the remainder of the year. Kenneth Harshberger, Supt.
And So It Begins! Students picking up their belongings at the grade school and high school today. It's so good to see our students and their parents. WE MISS YOU!!
Friendly reminder of the details today for the curbside pick-up at the elementary and high school. Please note the traffic flow guidance for everyone.
Reminder - Curbside pick up for student belongings & K-6 Chromebook checkout starts today. Designated times by student's last name are: A-E 12-12;30; F-K 12:45-1:15; L-P 1:30-2:00; R-U 2:15-2:45; V-Z 3:00-3:30. If time is missed, please make arrangements through each office.
💜Teachers-We will line up in our vehicles in front of the elementary building prior to 10am. We will then “cruise” town to honk and wave at our students/families. Our parade will end when we arrive back at the grade school. (Feel free to decorate your vehicle, blare your music, etc.!)
💜Country kiddos/families-Feel free to come in and sit in your vehicles at the park or in front of a friend’s house and honk back!
đź’śEVERYONE- *We will be traveling roads that run north & south throughout the community!*
‼️We are excited to see our kiddos but remind everyone that we are doing it in this manner to continue respecting social distancing! Please do the same!‼️
Parents if you haven't done so, please go the USD 226 website or Facebook page and fill out the survey to help us plan for distance learning which starts next Monday, March 30. You can also find a schedule for students to pick up "school stuff" curbside on Thursday March 26th.